“Nurturing your child every step”
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At Little Feet Day Nursery, we have created our own curriculum. These are the 12 goals that we would ideally like our children to be able to achieve or be on the pathway to achieving by the time they leave us for primary school. Each goal is tailored for each room and is age appropriate. The goals are also designed to incorporate all 7 areas of the EYFS. Each room has been focussing on these areas throughout all the activities, loose parts play, continuous provision, and invitations to play that have been created for or are accessible for the children.
We complete end of term reviews which shows how the children are progressing within the curriculum and details what areas the key worker is going to be focussing on next term as well as allowing parents to advise nursery if you wish us to focus on anything. These reports are kept in the children learning journal. Each key worker uses this information to plot the children’s next steps.
The 12 curriculum goals are:
Children will be able to attend to their own personal hygiene
Children can dress and undress themselves and put on their own coat and shoes
Children can play a turn taking game and can share with their friends.
Children can sit and eat a meal with cutlery and serve themselves food.
Children are developing good phonetic knowledge and understanding.
Children are on a journey to develop a strong, confident pencil hold and control
Children have a sound understanding of early counting, numbers and 2d shapes.
Children develop a respectful understanding of others cultures and beliefs alongside their own.
Children can sit, participate, and enjoy group and circle times.
Children can use their imagination to express their feelings and wishes.
Children are confident communicators.
Children develop a love of reading for enjoyment and finding things out.
In addition to our own personal curriculum, Little Feet have also partnered up with Mini Minds Matters, ‘a dinosaur themed approach that supports the mental health and wellbeing of our children. It incorporates mindfulness, affirmations, mediations and encourages a growth mindset. It aims to equip children with the right tools to support emotional wellbeing, through changing and rewiring the brain as early as possible to impact long term development. The approach has been specifically written and tailored for children by an early year’s specialist and qualified paediatrics nursery who specialises in neurology’.